

College of Biological Science and Engineering


发布日期:2021-09-29 发布者:生工争霸8官方入口









2022年1月-至今:争霸8官方入口 | 生物科学与工程争霸8官方入口 | 校聘研究员(旗山学者)、博士生导师

2020年6月-2021年12月:争霸8官方入口 | 生物科学与工程争霸8官方入口 | 副研究员(旗山学者)、博士生导师

2013年8月-2020年5月:福建农林大学 | 国家菌草工程技术研究中心 | 副研究员(金山学者)

2013年3月-2013年7月:厦门大学 | 环境与生态争霸8官方入口 | 助理、工程师

2007年9月-2013年2月:争霸8官方入口 | 化学化工争霸8官方入口 | 分析化学 | 博士(提前攻博)

2003年9月-2007年7月:争霸8官方入口 | 生物科学与工程争霸8官方入口 | 生物工程 | 本科(保研)






博士期间师从国际食品科技联盟前主席饶平凡教授和福建省食品科学技术学会理事长倪莉教授,现任职于福州生物科学与工程争霸8官方入口、争霸8官方入口石油化工争霸8官方入口生物与医药专业博士生导师(破格晋升)。获福建省自然科学“杰出青年”基金,入选福建省高校“杰出青年”科研人才计划、争霸8官方入口“旗山学者”奖励计划、福建农林大学“金山学者”青年人才和校“杰出青年”人才计划、泉州市高级人才。主持承担国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目、中国博士后科学基金特别资助和一等资助项目、福建省自然科学“杰出青年”基金、福建省自然科学基金重点项目和面上项目,以第一/通讯作者在国内外期刊发表学术论文130篇,包括Carbohyd. Polym., Int. J. Biol. Macromol., J. Agric. Food Chem., Food Microbiol., Food Chem., Food Control, Food Res. Int., Food & Funct. 等国际期刊SCI文章70多篇(其中,期刊封面2篇,ESI高被引2篇),EI期刊文章16篇,H指数25,总影响因子超过300。研究工作受国内和国际同行的广泛认可,发表的论文被引频次1300多次,被J. Agric. Food Chem., Food Microbiol., Food Control, Int. J. Food Microbiol., Food & Funct.Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 等食品与生物工程领域国际权威学术期刊的文章广泛引用,为争霸8官方入口“农业科学”进入ESI学科全球排名前1%发挥着积极的贡献作用,以第一发明人申请国家发明专利9项,授权发明专利2项(已转化1项),参与制定福建省地方标准和企业标准2项。

近年来担任国家自然科学基金项目通讯同行评审专家(食品科学)、国际微生物领域权威SCI期刊Frontiers in Microbiology [中科院二区]编委、中国食品科学技术学会酿造食品分会理事、福建省食品科学技术学会理事、J. Agric. Food Chem., Food Microbiol., Food Control, Carbohyd. Polym., Food Res. Int., Int. J. Biol. Macromol.Food & Funct. 等三十多个国际权威学术期刊评审专家,获Elsevier旗下Food Control, Int. J. Food Microbiol., Int. J. Biol. Macromol.和英国皇家化学会旗下Food & Funct.等SCI期刊“杰出审稿人”称号;近年来带领的课题组在我国重要食药用菌和益生菌功效作用领域做了深入的研究,其中灵芝酸A缓解高脂血症的作用机制研究被英国皇家化学会(RSC)旗下《Food & Function》评选为期刊封面论文[Food & Funct., 2020, 11: 6818-6833.],这也是灵芝首次被刊登到英国皇家化学学会旗下的期刊封面上;红曲酒来源的益生菌发酵海带改善脂质代谢紊乱作用机制研究被《Food & Function》评选为期刊封面论文[Food & Funct., 2021, 12, 7096-7096.],这是我国红曲酒相关微生物首次被刊登到国际权威期刊的封面上。药用菌多糖(肽)介导肠道微生物组改善机体糖脂代谢的研究工作[Food & Funct., 2019, 10: 2560-2572.J. Func. Foods, 2019, 57: 48-58.]入选ESI学科高被引论文。










国际SCI期刊Frontiers in Microbiology [中科院二区]编委、客座副主编








J. Agric. Food Chem., Food Microbiol., Food Control, Carbohyd. Polym., Food Res. Int., Int. J. Biol. Macromol.Food & Funct.等三十多个国际SCI期刊评审专家


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于靶向活菌的方法解析红曲黄酒酿造体系中的功能菌群及其对香气特征形成的调控机制,项目编号31601466,2017年-2019年,25万,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:铵盐补偿对红曲黄酒传统酿造过程中高级醇和关键酯类生成的双向调控机制研究,项目编号32072204,2021年-2024年,69.6万,主持;

3. 福建省自然科学“杰出青年”基金:红曲黄酒酿造微生物组及其代 谢调控机制研究,项目编号2019J06013,2019年-2021年,30万,主持;

4. 福建省高校“杰出青年”科研人才:灵芝多糖-铬(III)超分子组装及其改善高脂饮食小鼠糖脂代谢的分子机制研究,闽教科〔2017〕52号,2017年-2020年,8万,主持;

5. 中国博士后科学基金一等资助项目:红曲黄酒传统酿造体系中微生物菌群的“原位”功能解析,项目编号2015M570549,2015年-2017年,10万,主持;

6. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目:基于蛋白组学解析红曲黄酒关键特征香气组分的形成机理,项目编号2016T90591,2016年-2018年,18万,主持;

7. 争霸8官方入口旗山学者人才计划科研项目:乳酸菌强化对红曲酒传统酿造过程生物胺生成的消减调控作用研究,项目编号GXRC21049,2021年-2024年,30万,主持;

8. 福建农林大学“金山学者”青年人才计划:食品科学与工程(食品微生物组学),项目编号XJQ201607,2016年-2020年,9万,主持;

9. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目:灰树花多糖介导肠道微生物调控脂质代谢的分子机制研究,项目编号2016J01095,2016年-2019年,5万,主持;

10. 福建省教育厅科技计划A类项目:红曲黄酒传统酿造过程中代谢活性菌群结构与功能的研究,项目编号JA14107,2014年-2017年,2万,主持;

11. 福建农林大学“校杰出青年人才”计划:灵芝多糖-铬(III)纳米超分子组装及其改善高脂饮食大鼠糖脂代谢的分子机制,2017年-2019年,30万,主持;

12. 国家菌草工程技术研究中心开放课题:重金属镉离子特异性免疫检测抗原的合成与表征,项目编号JCJJ14021,2014年-2015年,5万,主持;

13. 福建农大青年教师A类人才科研启动基金:基于宏蛋白质组学技术研究红曲黄酒传统酿造用曲中的微生物菌群结构与功能,项目编号KXML2012A,2013年-2018年,5万,主持;

14. 食品质量与安全北京实验室开放课题:红曲黄酒传统酿造体系中微生物菌群结构及特征香气组分形成机理,项目编号FQS-201802,2018年-2019年,5万,主持;

15. 中加食品营养与健康联合实验室开放课题:基于肠道微生态调节的苦荞麦乳酸菌发酵产品的降血脂作用机制研究,项目编号ZJ-2020-03,2020年-2021年,5万,主持;

16. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于DGGE技术的微生物生态学研究新方法的构建及其在红曲黄酒酿造体系中的应用,项目编号31371820,2014-01至2017-12,80万,已结题,主要完成人;

17. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:酿造红曲黄酒的主要微生物代谢生香特性与机制研究,项目编号31171733,2012-01至2015-12,62万,已结题,主要完成人;

18. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于蛋白质组学的灰树花蛋白肽-硒螯合物对Caco-2细胞代谢的作用机制研究,项目编号31501432,2016/01至2018-12,20万,已结题,第二完成人;

19. 福建省科技厅重点项目:红曲黄酒酿造用菌种库的构建与应用,项目编号2011N0016,2011-04至2014-03,10万元,已结题,主要完成人;

20. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:应用微生物分子生态学技术研究红曲黄酒酿造系统中的菌群结构,项目编号31071587,2011/01至2012-12,20万,已结题,主要完成人;


1. Lv X.*,#, Chen M.#, Huang Z., Guo W., Ai L., Bai W., Yu X., Liu Y.*, Rao P., Ni L.. Potential mechanisms underlying the ameliorative effect of Lactobacillus paracasei FZU103 on the lipid metabolism in hyperlipidemic mice fed a high-fat diet. Food Res. Int., 2021, 139, 109956.

2. Chen G.#, Huang Z.#, Wu L.#, Wu Q., Guo W., Liu B., Zhang W., Rao P., Zhang W., Rao P., Lv X.*, Ni L.*, Sun J.*, Sun B. Microbial diversity and flavor of Chinese rice wine (Huangjiu): an overview of current research and future prospects. Current Opinion in Food Science: Food Microbiology 2021, Vol 38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cofs.2021.02.017

3. Zhang J., Zhang C., Wu W., Lv X., et al. Correlation of the bacterial communities with umami components, and chemical characteristics in Zhejiang xuecai and fermented brine. Food Res. Int., 2021, 140: 109986.

4. Zhang C., Li J., Chen L., Shi X., Chen B., Lv X.*, Ni L.*. Effects of alkali, enzymes, and ultrasound on monosodium glutamate byproduct for a sustainable production of Bacillus subtilis. Food Chem., 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129967.

5. Li T.#, Huang Z.#, Jia R., Lv X.*, Zhao C.*, Liu B.*. Spirulina platensis polysaccharides attenuate lipid and carbohydrate metabolism disorder in high-sucrose and high-fat diet-fed rats in association with intestinal microbiota. Food Res. Int., 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2021.110530.

6. Zhou K., Wu L., Liu Z., Zhao X, Zhang C., Lv X.*, Zhang W, Rao P., Ni L.* Development of a novel restrictive medium for Monascus enrichment from Hongqu based on the synergistic stress of lactic acid and ethanol. Front. Microbiol., 2021. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.702951.

7. Zhang Q.#, Fan X.#, Cao Y.#, Zheng T., Cheng W., Chen L., Lv X.*, Rao P., Ni L., Liang P.*. The beneficial effects of Lactobacillus brevis FZU0713-fermented Laminaria japonica on lipid metabolism and intestinal microbiota in hyperlipidemic rats fed a high-fat diet. Food & Function, 2021, 12, 7096-7096. [封面文章]

8. Fan X.#, Zhang Q.#, Guo W.#, Wu Q., Hu J., Cheng W., Lv X.*, Rao P., Ni L., Chen Y.*, Chen L.*. The protective effects of Levilactobacillus brevis FZU0713 on lipid metabolism and intestinal microbiota in hyperlipidemic rats. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2021 (In publication).

9. Wu L., Zhou K., Chen F., Chen G., Yu Y., Lv X.*, Ni L.*. Comparative Study on the Antioxidant Activity of Monascus Yellow Pigments from Two Different Types of Hongqu——Functional Qu and Coloring Qu. Front. Microbiol., 2021, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.715295.

10. Lin Y.#, Chen H.#, Cao Y.#, Zhang Y., Li W., Guo W., Lv X.*, Rao P., Ni L., Liu P.*. Auricularia auricula Melanin Protects against Alcoholic Liver Injury and Modulates Intestinal Microbiota Composition in Mice Exposed to Alcohol Intake. Foods, 2021, 10, 2436. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10102436.

11. Zhang W., Tong Q., You J., Lv X., Liu Z, Ni L.*. The Application of Bacillus subtilis for Adhesion Inhibition of Pseudomonas and Preservation of Fresh Fish. Foods, 2021, 10(12), 3093. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10123093.

12. Lv X.#, Wu Q.#, Cao Y., Lin Y., Zhang Y., Guo W.*, Rao P., Zhang Y., Chen Y., Ai L., Ni L.*. Ganoderic acid A from Ganoderma lucidum protects against alcoholic?liver?injury through ameliorating lipid metabolism and modulating intestinal microbial composition. Food & Function, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1039/D1FO03219D

13. Zhao W., Qian M., Dong H.*, Liu X., Bai W.*, Liu G., Lv X.. Effects of Hong Qu on the flavor and quality of Hakka yellow rice wine (Huangjiu) produced in southern China. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2022, 160, 113264. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2022.113264

14. Guo W.#, Cao Y.#, You S., Wu Q., Zhang F., Han J., Lv X.*, Rao P., Ai L., Ni L.*. Ganoderic acids-rich ethanol extract from Ganoderma lucidum protects against alcoholic?liver?injury and modulates intestinal microbiota in mice with excessive alcohol intake. Current Research in Food Science, 2022, 5: 515-530. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crfs.2022.02.013

15. Zhang F., Gao C., Bai L., Chen Y., Liang S., Lv X., Sun J.*, Wang S.*. Dual-color blending based visual LAMP for food allergen detection: a strategy with enlarged color variation range and contrast. Food Chemistry: X, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fochx.2021.100201

16. Bai L., Wang L., Huang S., Bai R., Lv X., Sun L., Zhang F.*, Xu X.*. Rapid, Visual, and Sequence-Specific Detection of Salmonella in Egg Liquid with vis-NEAA, a CRISPR/Cas12 Empowered New Strategy. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.1c06715.

17. Zhang Q.#, Guo W.#, Chen G., Wu Q., Han J., Lv X.*, Chen L., Rao P., Ai L., Ni L.*. Pediococcus acidilactici FZU106 alleviates high-fat diet-induced lipid metabolism disorder in association with the modulation of intestinal microbiota in hyperlipidemic rats. Current Research in Food Science, 2022 (In publication).

18.Cao Y., Huang Z., You S., Guo W., Zhang F., Liu B., Lv X.*, Lin Z., Liu P.*. The Protective Effects of Ganoderic Acids from Ganoderma lucidum Fruiting Body on Alcoholic Liver Injury and Intestinal Microflora Disturbance in Mice with Excessive Alcohol Intake. Foods, 2022, 11, 949. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11070949.

19. Chen W.*, Lv X., Tran V.-T., Maruyama J.-i., Han K.-H., Yu J.-H.. Editorial: From Traditional to Modern: Progress of Molds and Yeasts in Fermented-Food Production. Front. Microbiol. -Food Microbiology, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.876872.

20. Huang Z., Zhao L., Zhu F., Liu Y., Xiao J,, Chen Z., Lv X.*, Huang Y*., Liu B.*. Anti-Diabetic Effects of Ethanol Extract from Sanghuangporous vaninii in High-Fat/Sucrose Diet and Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice by Modulating Gut Microbiota. Foods, 2022, 11, 974. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11070974

21. Su W., Gao S., Zhan S., Wu Q., Chen G., Han J., Lv X.*, Rao P., Ni L.*. Evaluation of Volatile Profile and In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Fermented Green Tea Infusion With Pleurotus sajor-caju (Oyster Mushroom). Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022. 9: 865991. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.865991.

22. Lv X., Yuan Y., Li W., Li L., Chen G., You W., Guo W.*, Rao P., Ai L., Ni L.*. Organic chromium derived from the chelation of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide-chromium (III) alleviates metabolic syndromes and intestinal microbiota dysbiosis induced by high-fat and high-fructose diet. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2022. (Under review).

23. Wang M.#, Guo W.#, Yang Z., Tong S., Li W., You W., Lv X.*, Rao P., Ai L., Ni L.*. Intestinal microbiome and liver metabolomics insights into the preventive effects of chromium (III)-enriched yeast on hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia induced by high-fat and high-fructose diet. Current Research in Food Science, 2022. (Under review).

24. Chen G., Tong S., Li W., You W., Guo W., Wu Q., Lv X.*, Rao P., Ai L., Ni L.*. Comparative evaluation of the microbial communities and metabolic profiles in the traditional production of Hongqu rice wine fermented with Wuyi Qu and Gutian Qu. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2022. (In preparation)..

25. Lv X.*, Wu Q., Xiao Y., Huang Z., Guo W., Hong J., Rao P., Ni L.*. Characterizing the dynamics of microbial community and flavor metabolites during the traditional fermentation of Chinese Hongqu aged vinegar. Food Microbiol., 2022. (In preparation)..

26. Lv X.*, Li J., Huang Z., Wu Q., Guo W., Zhang Y., Rao P., Ai L., Ni L.*. Intestinal microbiome and liver metabolomics insights into the preventive effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG on alcoholic liver injury in mice with excessive alcohol intake. Current Research in Food Science, 2022. (Under review).

27. Lv X.*, Li J., Huang Z., Wu Q., Guo W., Zhang Y., Rao P., Ai L., Ni L.*. The protective effects of Leuconostoc citreum FZU3103 on alcoholic liver injury and intestinal microbial disorder in mice with excessive alcohol intake. Food Research International, 2022. (Under review).

28. Lin Y.#, Cao Y., Guo W.#, Han J., Chen G., Lv X.*, Rao P., Ni L.*. Auricularia auricula polysaccharide protects against alcoholic?liver?injury and modulates intestinal microbiota in mice with excessive alcohol intake. Food & Function, 2022. (Under review).

29. Cao Y.#, Guo W., Lin Y., Rao P., Ai L., Ni L., Lv X.*. Fabrication of zein nanoparticles with natural polyanion gum arabic for improving the hepatoprotective efficacy of ganoderic acids in mice with excessive alcohol intake. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2022. (Under review).

30. Cao Y.#, Lin Y., Guo W., Lv X.*, Rao P., Ai L., Ni L.*. Evaluation of the hepatoprotective effects of ganoderic acids-loaded chitosan/zein nanoparticles in mice with excessive alcohol intake. Food & Function, 2022. (In preparation).

31. Lin Y.#, Cao Y., Guo W., Han J., Chen G., Lv X.*, Rao P., Ni L.*. The beneficial effects of selenylated polysaccharides from Auricularia auricula on liver metabolism function and intestinal microbiota in mice with excessive alcohol intake. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2022. (In preparation).

32. Lin Y.#, Cao Y.#, Guo W.#, Wu Q., Li J., Lv X.*, Rao P., Ni L.*. The ameliorative effects and mechanisms of selenium-enriched yeast on liver metabolism function and intestinal microbiota in mice with excessive alcohol intake. Food Res. Int., 2022. (In preparation).

33. Guo W.#, Chen M.#, Pan W., Zhang Q., Xu J., Lin Y., Li L., Liu B., Bai W., Zhang Y., Ni L., Rao P., Lv X.*. Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic mechanism of organic chromium derived from the chelation of Grifola frondosa polysaccharide-chromium (III) and its modulation of intestinal microflora in high fat-diet and STZ-induced diabetic mice. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2020, 145: 12081218.

34. Guo W.#, Deng J.#, Pan Y., Xu J., Hong J., Shi F., Liu G., Qian M., Bai W., Zhang W., Liu B., Zhang Y., Luo P., Ni L., Rao P., Lv X.*. Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activities of Grifola frondosa polysaccharides and their relationships with the modulation of intestinal microflora in diabetic mice induced by high-fat diet and streptozotocin. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2020, 153: 1231-1240.

35. Hong J.#, Wu L.#, Lu J., Zhou W., Cao Y., Lv W., Liu B.*, Rao P., Ni L., Lv X.*. Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals the regulatory effects of inorganic nitrogen on the biosynthesis of Monascus pigments and citrinin. RSC Advances, 2020, 10: 52685282.

36. Chen M.#, Guo W.#, Li Q., Xu J., Cao Y., Liu B., Yu X.*, Rao P., Ni L., Lv X.*. The protective mechanism of Lactobacillus plantarum FZU3013 against non-alcoholic fatty liver associated with hyperlipidemia in mice fed a high-fat diet. Food & Function, 2020, 11(4): 33163331.

37. Zhang Q.#, Fan X.#, Guo W., Cao Y., Lin Y., Cheng W., Chen L.*, Rao P., Ni L., Lv X.*. The protective mechanisms of macroalgae Laminaria japonica consumption against lipid metabolism disorders in high-fat diet-induced hyperlipidemic rats. Food & Function, 2020, 11(4): 32563270.

38. Zhang Q.#, Fan X.#, Ye R., Hu Y., Zheng T., Shi R., Cheng W., Lv X.*, Chen L.*, Liang P.*. The Effect of Simvastatin on Gut Microbiota and Lipid Metabolism in Hyperlipidemic Rats Induced by a High-Fat Diet. Front. Pharmacol., 2020, 11: 522. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.00522.

39. Tong A., Hu R., Wu L., Lv X., Li X., Zhao L.*, Liu B.*. Ganoderma polysaccharide and chitosan synergistically ameliorate lipid metabolic disorders and modulate gut microbiota composition in high fat diet-fed golden hamsters. J. Food Biochem., 2020, 44 (1), e13109.

40. Huang Z.#, Deng J.#, Li Q., Cao Y., Lin Y., Bai W., Liu B., Ni L., Rao P., Lv X.*. Protective Mechanism of Common Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) against Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Associated with Dyslipidemia in Mice Fed a High-Fat and High-Cholesterol Diet. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2020, 68: 6530–6543.

41. Guo W.#, Guo J.#, Liu B., Lu J., Chen M,, Liu B., Bai W., Rao P., Ni L., Lv X.*. Ganoderic acid A from Ganoderma lucidum ameliorates lipid metabolism and alters gut microbiota composition in hyperlipidemic mice fed a high-fat diet. Food & Function, 2020,11: 68186833. [封面文章]

42. Huang Z., Chen M., Guo W., Li T., Liu B.*, Bai W., Ai L., Rao P., Ni L., Lv X.*. Monascus purpureus-fermented common buckwheat protects against dyslipidemia and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease through the regulation of liver metabolome and intestinal microbiome. Food Res. Int., 2020, 136: 109511. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109511.

43. Deng J.#, Guo W.#, Guo J.#, Li Y, Zhou W., Lv W., Li L., Liu B., Xia G.*, Bai W., Rao P., Ni L., Lv X.*. Regulatory effects of a Grifola frondosa extract rich in pseudobaptigenin and cyanidin-3-O-xylosylrutinoside on glycolipid metabolism and the intestinal flora in high-fat diet-fed rats. J. Func. Foods, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jff.2020.104230.

44. Zhang J., Zhang C., Wu W., Lv X., et al. Correlation of the bacterial communities with umami components, and chemical characteristics in Zhejiang xuecai and fermented brine. Food Res. Int., 2020, 140(3): 109986.

45. Hong J., Chen M., Zhou W., Guo W., Li L., Huang Z., Liu B.*, Bai W., Ni L., Rao P., Lü X.*. Effects of Lactic Acid Bacteria on the Growth of Yeast and the Formation of Flavor Compounds in the Fermentation of Hongqu Glutinous Rice Wine. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, 2020, 20(1): 91100.

46. Deng J., Guo W., Zhou W., Hong J., Li L., Liu H., Liu B., Chen S., Ni L., Rao P., Lü X.*. Comparison of Enzymes Production of Different Types of Filamentous Fungi and Studies on the Fermentation Characteristics of Mixed Cultures Based on Glutinous Rice. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, 2020, 20(1): 101108.

47. Zhou W., Hong J., Li L., Li Y., Huang Z., Guo W., Ni L., Rao P., Liu B.*, Lü X.*. Screening of Components for Improving Lipid Metabolism in Grifola frondosa and Optimization of Its Extraction Technology. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, 2020, 20(2): 145153.

48. Li L., Guo W., Zhou W., Lin Y., Hong J., Liu H., Liu B.*, Ni L. Rao P., Lü X.*. The Effects of Hongqu and Baiqu on the Formation of Aroma Components in Hongqu Rice Wine. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, 2020, 20(2): 205211.

49. Lv X.*, Guo W., Li L., Yu X., Liu B.*. Polysaccharide peptides from Ganoderma lucidum ameliorate lipid metabolic disorders and gut microbiota dysbiosis in high-fat diet-fed rats. J. Func. Foods, 2019, 57: 48–58.

50. Li L., Guo W., Zhang W., Xu J., Qian M., Bai W., Zhang Y., Rao P., Ni L., Lv X.*. Grifola frondosa polysaccharides ameliorate lipid metabolic disorders and gut microbiota dysbiosis in high-fat diet fed rats. Food & Function, 2019, 10, 2560–2572.

51. Huang Z., Guo W., Zhou W., Li L., Xu J., Hong J., Liu H., Zeng F., Bai W., Liu B.*, Ni L., Rao P., Lv X.*. Microbial communities and volatile metabolites in different traditional fermentation starters used for Hong Qu glutinous rice wine. Food Res. Int., 2019, 121: 593–603.

52. Guo W., Shi F., Li L., Xu J., Chen M., Wu L., Hong J., Qian M., Bai W., Liu B., Zhang Y., Ni L., Rao P., Lv X.*. Preparation of a novel Grifola frondosa polysaccharide-chromium (III) complex and its hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activities in high fat diet and streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2019, 131: 81–88.

54. Zhou W., Guo R., Guo W., Hong J., Li L., Ni L., Sun J.*, Liu B., Rao P., Lv X.*. Monascus yellow, red and orange pigments from red yeast rice ameliorate lipid metabolic disorders and gut microbiota dysbiosis in Wistar rats fed on a high-fat diet. Food & Function, 2019, 10: 1073–1084.

55. Jiang Y.#, Lv X.#, Zhang C., Zheng Y., Zheng B., Duan X., Tian Y.*. Microbial dynamics and flavor formation during the traditional brewing of Monascus vinegar. Food Res. Int., 2019, 125, 108531. (#co-first author)

56. Li L., Xu J., Cao Y., Lin Y., Liu J., Guo W., Bai W., Zhang Y., Ni L., Liu B., Rao P., Lv X.*. Preparation of a novel Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide-chromium (III) complex and its hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activities in high-fat and high-fructose diet-induced pre-diabetic mice. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2019, 140: 782–793.

57. Chen H., Zeng F., Li S., Liu Y., Gong S., Lv X., Zhang J., Liu B.*. Spirulina active substance mediated gut microbes improve lipid metabolism in high-fat diet fed rats. J. Func. Foods, 2019, 59: 215222.

58. Pan Y., Wan X.,Zeng F., Zhong R., Guo W., Lv X., Zhao C., Liu B.*. Regulatory effect of Grifola frondosa extract rich in polysaccharides and organic acids on glycolipid metabolism and gut microbiota in rats. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.11.067.

59. Lv X., Jiang Y., Hu R., Guo W., Zhou W., Li Y., Rao P., Chen J.*, Ni L.*. Studies on the characteristics of volatile flavor components in traditional fermentation starters for Hong Qu glutinous rice wine brewing. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, 2019, 19(5): 222233.

60. Zhou W., Huang Z., Hong J., Li L., Guo W., Jiang Y., Liu B., Ni L., Rao P., Chen J.*, Lv X.*. The double direction regulatory mechanism of ammonium chloride on pigments and citrinin of Monascus purpureus in solid-state fermentation. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, 2019, 19(6): 8189.

61. Li L., Lv Y., Guo W., Pan Y., Hong J., Zhao L., Ni Li, Rao P., Li Q., Lv X.*. Analysis of microbial flora and volatile flavor components in traditional fermentation starters for Hongqu glutinous rice wine. Food Science, 2019, 40(2): 7984.

62. Hong J., Li Q., Pan Y., Guo W., Huang Z., Zhao L., Qian M., Bai W., Ni L., Rao P., Liu B., Lv X.*. Changes in volatile metabolites and microbial community dynamics during the traditional brewing of Hongqu glutinous rice wine. Food Science, 2019, 40(12): 137144.

63. Guo W., Pan Y., Li L., Li T., Liu B.*, Lv X.*. Ethanol extract of Ganoderma lucidum ameliorates lipid metabolic disorders and modulates gut microbiota composition in high-fat diet fed rats. Food & Function, 2018, 9: 34193431.

64. Hu R., Guo W., Huang Z., Li L., Liu B.*, Lv X.*. Extracts of Ganoderma lucidum improve lipid metabolism and modulate gut microbiota in high-fat diet fed rats. J. Func. Foods, 2018, 46: 403412.

65. Huang Z., Hong J., Guo W., Pan Y., Li L., Zhao L.*, Liu B., Chen S., Bai W., Rao P., Ni L., Lv X.*. Exploring core functional microbiota responsible for the production of volatile flavour during the traditional brewing of Wuyi Hong Qu glutinous rice wine. Food Microbiol., 2018, 76: 487–496.

66. Zhao C , Yang C , Chen M , Lv X., Liu B. , & Yi, L.. Regulatory Efficacy of Brown Seaweed Lessonia nigrescens Extract on the Gene Expression Profile and Intestinal Microflora in Type 2 Diabetic Mice. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2017:1700730.

67. Huang Z., Zhou W., Yang X., Tong A., Hong J., Guo W., Li T., Jia R., Pan Y., Lin J., Lv X.*, Liu B.*. The regulation mechanisms of soluble starch and glycerol for production of azaphilone pigments in Monascus purpureus FAFU618 as revealed by comparative proteomic and transcriptional analyses. Food Res. Int., 2018, 106: 626–635.

68. Chen Y., Liu Y., Sarker M M R., Yan X., Yang C., Zhao L., Lv X.*, Liu B., Zhao C.*. Structural characterization and antidiabetic potential of a novel heteropolysaccharide from Grifola frondosa via IRS1/PI3K-JNK signaling pathways. CARBOHYD. POLYM., 2018, 198: 452–461.

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(6)一种能源草液固联合沼气发酵系统,授权编号ZL201510093785.6 (第五发明人)





1. 福建省科学技术进步奖二等奖(2017年,排名第五)

2. 福建省自然科学杰出青年基金获得者(2019年)

3. 中国食品科学技术学会科学技术进步奖二等奖(2016年,排名第五)

4. 福建省自然科学学术论文一等奖(2014年,排名第一)、二等奖(2016年,排名第一)

5. 中国博士后科学基金一等资助<食品科学与工程,2015年>

6. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助<食品科学与工程,2016年>

7. 国际食品微生物标准委员会-中国食品安全2012年国际研讨会优秀论文奖

8. <International Journal of Food Microbiology> 国际SCI期刊“杰出审稿”专家

9. <Food & Function> 国际SCI期刊“杰出审稿”专家

10. <International Journal of Biological Macromolecules>国际SCI期刊“杰出审稿”专家


